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Annual Report of Activities 2023

The 2023 Annual Report of the Albanian Microfinance Association brings to the attention  of the public and actors the latest developments of the sector, its challenges as well as a summary of the activities of the Association and its members.


AMA Annual Report 2022

The year 2022 was an unusual year due to massive international developments that brought inflationary growth with great impact in both economic and social terms. The Albanian Microfinance Association published in August the Annual Activity Report 2022. This publication presents in detail the activities of the association and its members, their achievements throughout the year and tomorrow's challenges, the developments of the microfinance sector in the country. The association significantly expanded its activity with successful experiences and results in all aspects. This increase would not be possible if these institutions did not have a special focus on increasing the capacities of their staff through training and various motivational activities.


Annual Report of Activities 2021

Non-bank financial institutions, which exercise their activity under the licensing and supervision of the Bank of Albania, are divided into several sub-groups, which consist of: a) non-bank financial lending institutions; b) Microcredit Financial Institutions; c) financial institutions of financial leasing and/or factoring; d) non-bank payment financial institutions; and e) non-bank financial institutions issuing electronic money.


Annual Report of Activities 2020

The year 2020 will be remembered as an unprecedented year for the blow it brought to the health, social and economic life in Albania and around the globe. Considering the difficult conditions faced by the economies around the globe, without excluding ours, it is worth mentioning that in comparison with the banking system, insurance companies or capital market actors, the microfinance sector was hit more severely by the pandemic, mainly as a result of the adverse impact it had on small entrepreneurs, farmers and agrobusinesses and employed individuals.


Digitalization of microfinancial services

During October, a number of actors in the non-banking financial services industry completed the questionnaire regarding the effects of the pandemic on these companies and the impact that digitalization has on the well-being of their operations. The expectations of the companies have been met by the expectations of the clients of these companies in terms of digitalization...


Annual Report 2019

The microfinance sector has already entered a new phase of its development. In line with the socio-economic devel- opments of the country, as well as the growing market demands not only for products and services that serve to raise living standards for individuals and enable free enterprise for micro-businesses, but also to ensure sustainability in quality of life and consolidation of local business activity, especially family business.


Research and Studies

Sondazh mbi Edukimin Financiar dhe korrelacionin e tij me statusin financiar të individëve (Tetor 2019) - Shoqata Shqiptare e Mikrofinancave publikoi gjetjet e një Kërkimi mbi lidhjen e të ardhurave të individëve dhe nivelit të edukimit financiar, të kryer nga kompania kërkimore IDRA me iniciativën e Kredo Finance. Gjetjet e këtij hulumtimi u njoftuan në një takim me përfaqësues të mediave dhe aktivistë të edukimit financiar, anëtarë të institucioneve financiare dhe organizatave. Publikimin mund ta lexoni këtu. Dokumenti   Sondazh mbi Ndikimin e COVID - 19 në Institucionet Mikrofinanciare në Shqipëri (Korrik 2020) Shoqata Shqiptare e Mikrofinancave (AMA) zhvilloi një sondazh me institucionet anëtare, në lidhje me ndikimin e COVID-19 në aktivitetin e mikrofinancës në Shqipëri. Raporti i përgatitur nga...


General statistics on industry

Members of Albanian Microfinance Association report their activity key indicators on a regular basis, in order to help build up statistics for the sector and understand the dynamics of microfinance activity. A summary of sector data over the years is presented here: Download File


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