by: AMA
February 22, 2022

January 14th, 2022
Albanian Microfinance Association
Albanian Microfinance Association approves the strategy and announces the Presidency for year 2022
The Albanian Microfinance Association (AMA) organized the first Members’ Assembly Meeting for year 2022, which was held through virtual channels on January 10. This meeting approved the strategy of activity for the current year and elected the Presidency for the next two-year period. In accordance with the strategic objectives and the scope of the Association’s activity, during this year the efforts will be focused in the following directions: increase of social impact of microfinance activity in Albanian society through empowering the needy and strengthening social inclusion, increase of impact on policy making and active participation in roundtables that focus on economic development policies, especially those in relation to farmers, micro-enterprises and small business, as well as promotion of microfinance activity and support to members as local practitioners.
A special place during this year is expected to occupy the range of activities based on financial education, aligned with the framework of the National Strategy for Financial Education and in cooperation with other market actors, in order to ensure an improved level of financial education, and strengthened financial inclusion of the population and its segments towards making better use of financial products and services delivered by microfinance institutions.
During the Members’ Meeting, the elections for the rotating Presidency of the Albanian Microfinance Association also took place. With a unanimous vote, the President of the Albanian Microfinance Association for the period January 2022 – December 2023 was re-elected Mrs. Arlinda Muja, Executive Director of Kredo Finance, who was congratulated by the members for her active and supportive work towards achieving the objectives of the Association.
About Albanian Microfinance Association
The Albanian Microfinance Association is a sectoral organization founded in 2006, which unites 10 most lending financial institutions in the country. The member institutions of the Albanian Microfinance Association have become promoters of socio-economic development and actors in the financial education of private enterprises, agribusiness and individuals. Current members of the Association are Agro&Social Fund shpk, Agrokredit sh.a., AK-Invest sh.a., Crimson Finance Fund Albania shpk, Fondi Besa sh.a., Fed Invest SHKK, IuteCredit Albania sh.a., Kredo Finance shpk , NOA sha, UniFin SHKK.
Brunilda Isaj, General Secretary